Friday, March 26, 2010

Wow. This is new. Am I doing it right?

Not sure what to write or how to write it. So I guess I'll start by saying this: I love to bake. I plan on opening up a bakery as soon as I can (which will be many years from now, considering I am only 16). So this is going to be a baking blog! Recipes, pictures, posts, and stories will all go up here for your entertainment and education.
I'm highly lactose intolerant and may or may not be allergic to gluten or something of the sort, so I'll have up here all kinds of recipes. Most of them will use margarine instead of butter, and soymilk or a version of non-dairy milk, but everything can be substituted to use the "real stuff". I will have recipes up here that include flour, since though I have a reaction to gluten, I still love baking with it.
Last but not least:
I hope so much that you enjoy reading this blog! Since school seems to take over my life, I will try to post as often as possible, be it a funny blurb, a short story, a poem, a recipe, etc. Have fun reading!